As part of my tenure as the Tech Lead of HelloHolo, I built the internal Unity framework that the company uses to built cross-platform collaborative Cross Reality (XR) applications. The framework contained multiple editor features to improve content authoring and featured extensive documentation generated using DocFx.

Cross Platform

The framework supported cross platform collaborative applications. This includes:

  • Microsoft HoloLens 1 & 2
  • Windows Mixed Reality VR Headsets
  • OpenVR Headsets
  • Android (ARCore)
  • iPhone (ARKit)

Cross-platform support was implemented using a combination of features from Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Toolkit and collaboration was facilitated by Azure Spatial Anchors as well as Photon Unity Networking.

App Lifecycle

The framework provided a built in app lifecycle management system which contained built in set of menus for headset alignment, configuration and network flow. All of which is synchronised for multi-user collaborative experiences.

The system is extensible, allowing developers to easily add additional network-synchronised states if they wish.

Custom Editors & Package Manager

The framework employs multiple custom inspectors and editor windows to configure the app lifecycle and related settings.

A built-in package manager allows for easy distribution and installation of the framework that handles dependencies and upgrading of framework versions in a painless manner.

Applications Built with the Framework


HoloAudit is a complete end-to-end solution on the HoloLens 2 that applies advances in mixed reality technology to cumbersome technical auditing workflows in AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation) industries.

3D TicTacToe

A familiar classic revitalized in Mixed Reality using the Microsoft HoloLens. Pit yourself in against an AI opponent or another fellow HoloLens player via local multiplayer. Supports both HoloLens 1 and HoloLens 2.


Art conservation is a job that requires a sharp intuition and keen observation. The DigiMuse project aims to allow visitors to the National Museum of Singapore to understand the intricate methods and skills needed in art conservation using the Microsoft HoloLens.

Trauma Resuscitation Training

In collaboration with the Singapore General Hospital, this project aims to improve medical training by overlaying holograms on top of existing training equipment to standardise and improve trauma resuscitation training for nurses.